Call for Papers:

30th Gender Workshop for Research on Japan (Nov. 14-15./Berlin)

The Gender Workshop, which takes place annually in conjunction with the annual conference of the Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF), is providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of gender-related research on Japan. This year, the Gender Workshop will take place on 14-15 November 2024, as always starting the day prior to the VSJF conference, and, as in the previous year, the venue will be the Japanese-German Center Berlin. This year, the workshop will be co-organised by Andrea Germer, Ami Kobayashi (Heinrich Heine University) and Kerstin Fooken (University of Hamburg).

We invite junior researchers and academic teachers as well as interested students and activists, who are working on developing visions of fair, free and (gender) equitable societies. The presentation and discussion of current research projects are particularly welcome. We are looking forward to receiving proposals that investigate the multiple interconnections of gender with other categories of differences (nation, culture, ethnicity, class, sexuality, disability, physicality, age, language etc.) and make them visible. In this sense we also aim for thematic openings which de-essentialize both ‘gender’ as well as ‘Japan’ by increasingly focusing on intersectional questions and on transcultural and transnational perspectives which put Japan in the Asian and global context.

We invite all interested presenters to send us a short abstract (maximum 300 words) on their topic.
Languages of presentation are English, German or Japanese.
The Workshop will be held in person (non-hybrid).
In order to provide time for discussion, papers should not exceed 20 minutes.

Here you can find programs of the previous gender workshops.

Please email your abstract to:


no later than 30 June 2024.

We will also be happy to answer any queries you may have!
Andrea Germer, Ami Kobayashi, Kerstin Fooken

28th Gender Workshop for Research on Japan 17-18 November 2022 Annual Conference of the Association for Social Science Research on Japan in Zurich

In diesem Jahr wird der Gender-Workshop zur Japanforschung im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF) in Zürich stattfinden. Der Termin ist der 17. und 18. November 2022. Der Gender-Workshop bietet ein Forum für die Präsentation und Diskussion genderbezogener Themen der (Japan-)Forschung.
This year, the Gender Workshop will take place in Zurich on 17 and 18 November 2022, in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF). The Gender Workshop is providing a forum for the presentation and discussion of gender-related research (on Japan).
Andrea Germer und/and Annette Schad-Seifert
in Zusammenarbeit mit/in collaboration with Maren Haufs-Brusberg und/and Mirco Heller